Changes to some Keikokai

Some keikokai details were updated. Welcome Peru Keikokai. New Jersey Keikokai no longer exists. Chicago Keikokai is under new leadership.

2016 – New Year

Welcome to 2016, the year of the Fire monkey. Please note that the official Meifu Shinkage Ryu Honbu website now is only accessible through a secure SSl connection. This means that all traffic is secure.  Some additional enhancements will be made to this website through 2016, please stay tuned!


Server Crash

On September 7, 2015, our server experienced a crash. Although the main website was recovered, an older version of the site replaced the most current version. Please note that some of the Keikokai and Branches are currently not listed or not listed accurately. The information will be updated shortly.

Chris de Feijter

Launching Website and Forum

On March 5, 2015, the new Meifu Shinkage-ryû Website and Forum were launched, knowing that some more work would need to be done. At this time, two volunteers MSR members have agreed to work together to update information on the website. The forum is currently moderated by two MSR members as well.

If you have any suggestions for the website, please email those to [email protected].

Constructing Website

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